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- Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 17:41:37 PDT
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
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- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1270
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Tue, 26 Oct 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1270
- Today's Topics:
- 'Vanity' Call Signs (4 msgs)
- BAUD VS BAUDS (3 msgs)
- New in Fairbanks, needs help...thanks..
- TH-78A battery life
- vaniry calls
- Vanity Callsign Rules
- ZA1QA - Anyone Get a QSL??
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 93 18:58:00 GMT
- From: ogicse!emory!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!TAMUTS.TAMU.EDU!zeus.tamu.edu!tskloss@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: 'Vanity' Call Signs
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <1993Oct26.044934.7607@nosc.mil>, price@nosc.mil (James N. Price) writes...
- >This has always been one of my "favorite" topics, i.e. it really
- >torques me off that the good ol' US of A is, I think, the ONLY
- >nation in world where one cannot get a special callsign of any
- >kind. Ridiculous!
- >
- -deleted-
- >73--Jim, K6ZH
- Hey Jim, how about KC5DNA? And I'm a scientist to boot!
- -tim
- /------------------------------------------------------------------\
- |* *(* (**)(* *)* *)*| Tim Skloss KC5DNA |
- |* * \/ \/ * *| Texas A&M University, Dept. of Chemistry |
- |* /=========\ *| College Station, TX 77843-3255 |
- | | mags. | *| AND MOLECULAR SCIENCE |
- |* | RULE! | | voice: (409) 845-4459 |
- | |_________| | fax: (409) 845-4719 |
- | || || | Internet: TSKLOSS@venus.tamu.edu |
- | == == | My opinions do not reflect those of TAMU! |
- \------------------------------------------------------------------/
- "The brain is much like a computer;
- therefore dumb people do not exist, just people running DOS!"
- PowerPC - The ULTIMATE personal computing machine.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 93 19:25:40 GMT
- From: psinntp!arrl.org@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: 'Vanity' Call Signs
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In rec.radio.amateur.misc, bbattles@arrl.org (Brian Battles WS1O) writes:
- >In rec.radio.amateur.misc, alanb@sr.hp.com (Alan Bloom) writes:
- >
- >>...if someone wants to supplement the FCC's budget to the tune of $70 per
- >>call sign, why not?
- >
- > One thing I wonder: *Can* this program be implemented so as to permit the
- >FCC to "keep" the money collected for itself? As far as I know, one can't
- >make payments or "donations" directly to any federal agency's bank account;
- >it all goes via the General Fund. (For example, I can't mail a check to the
- >FDA and expect them to keep it and apply it to food and drug testing.)
- Sigh. The fees in question are administrative fees that would, indeed,
- go into the FCC's operating budget. If the fee gets changed to a one-
- time application fee, as ARRL would like, it will still go to FCC.
- I know these things because I walked down to the end of the hall here
- at ARRL HQ and asked Perry Williams, who coordinates our Washington
- activities. If Brian had bothered to do that, perhaps he wouldn't be
- spreading unsubstantiated rumors under the heading:
- "Organization: American Radio Relay League"
- The lesson here for the net.readership is: there are some folks at ARRL
- HQ whose postings should be ignored because they don't bother to get
- their facts straight.
- ------
- Jon Bloom, KE3Z | jbloom@arrl.org
- American Radio Relay League |
- 225 Main St., Newington CT 06111 |
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 23:19:15 GMT
- From: mentor.cc.purdue.edu!noose.ecn.purdue.edu!en.ecn.purdue.edu!n9ljx@purdue.edu
- Subject: 'Vanity' Call Signs
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <2523@arrl.org> jbloom@arrl.org (Jon Bloom, KE3Z) writes:
- >activities. If Brian had bothered to do that, perhaps he wouldn't be
- >spreading unsubstantiated rumors under the heading:
- > "Organization: American Radio Relay League"
- >
- >The lesson here for the net.readership is: there are some folks at ARRL
- >HQ whose postings should be ignored because they don't bother to get
- >their facts straight.
- >Jon Bloom, KE3Z | jbloom@arrl.org
- Unfortunatly this is true in all organizations. Hopefully people who read
- the news.groups often form a picture of various posters personalities and can
- figure out who knows what they are talking about and who likes to see their
- name on the screen.
- --scott
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 1993 13:28:51 GMT
- From: drt@athena.mit.edu
- Subject: 'Vanity' Call Signs
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <2507@arrl.org> bbattles@arrl.org (Brian Battles WS1O) writes:
- One thing I wonder: *Can* this program be implemented so as to permit the
- FCC to "keep" the money collected for itself? As far as I know, one can't
- make payments or "donations" directly to any federal agency's bank account;
- it all goes via the General Fund. (For example, I can't mail a check to the
- FDA and expect them to keep it and apply it to food and drug testing.)
- So my guess is that the bucks would go to the general Fund and *maybe*
- the Congress would make some arrangements to appropriate a percentage of
- the dough specifically collected for call signs to go to the FCC's budget.
- But I think that if they smell money, away it'll go to "fight the
- deficit."
- Congress appropriates all money. Basic civics.
- Of course, they can to *that* any way they want to. Or not.
- -drt
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |David R. Tucker KG2S 8P9CL drt@mit.edu|
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |`Most political sermons teach the congregation nothing except |
- |what newspapers are taken at the Rectory.' -C.S. Lewis |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 1993 17:58:17 GMT
- From: swrinde!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!msuinfo!pacific!cravitma@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: BAUD VS BAUDS
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <199310261649.JAA01502@ucsd.edu> AGRI098@UNLVM.UNL.EDU (Roy) writes:
- >USE?
- >Roy
- As I have always used it (as a computer person soon to hopefully be a
- technician-class ham), I have always said "baud" as a synonym for
- "bps" or bits-per-second. It would seem that "bauds" would be like
- bits per second^2, or a measurement of the change in the transmission
- speed of data. Of course, I may be wrong.
- 73 de MC (no callsign, since no license)
- --
- Matthew Cravit | "They that can give up essential liberty
- Michigan State University | to obtain a little temporary safety
- East Lansing, MI 48825 | deserve neither liberty nor safety"
- E-Mail: cravitma@cps.msu.edu | -- Benjamin Franklin
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 93 21:43:14 GMT
- From: mulvey!rich@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: BAUD VS BAUDS
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- The QRPer (k2ph@cbnewsj.cb.att.com) wrote:
- : From article <2ajofp$stp@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu>, by cravitma@pacific.uucp (Matthew B Cravit):
- : > In article <199310261649.JAA01502@ucsd.edu> AGRI098@UNLVM.UNL.EDU (Roy) writes:
- : >>USE?
- : >
- : > As I have always used it (as a computer person soon to hopefully be a
- : > technician-class ham), I have always said "baud" as a synonym for
- : > "bps" or bits-per-second. It would seem that "bauds" would be like
- : > bits per second^2, or a measurement of the change in the transmission
- : > speed of data. Of course, I may be wrong.
- : >
- : Actually, a baud is a SYMBOL per second. In a binary system, that is
- : the same as a bit per second. If you transmit more than one bit per
- : symbol, a baud does not equal a bit per second. Such is the case for
- : V.32 (9600 bps) modems which transmit at a rate of 2400 bauds
- : (+/- 0.01%).
- Actually, it would be more accurate to define it as measure
- of state-changes per unit time. The modulation technique affects the
- number of bauds required to transmit a given symbol.
- - Rich
- --
- Rich Mulvey Amateur Radio: N2VDS Rochester, NY
- rich@mulvey.com "Ignorance should be painful."
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 20:30:34 GMT
- From: spsgate!mogate!newsgate!news@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: BAUD VS BAUDS
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <199310261649.JAA01502@ucsd.edu> AGRI098@UNLVM.UNL.EDU (Roy) writes:
- > USE?
- > Roy
- Well, here's what Webster says:
- baud \'bo d, 'bo d\ n, pl baud also bauds
- [baud (telegraphic transmission speed unit), fr. J. M. E. Baudot
- 1903 Fr. inventor] (1931)
- :a variable unit of data transmission speed sometimes equal to one bit
- per second
- However, here's what the Hacker's Jargon File (Version 2.9.12) has to say,
- which is the way I've always understood the term:
- baud: /bawd/ [simplified from its technical meaning] n. Bits per
- second. Hence kilobaud or Kbaud, thousands of bits per second.
- The technical meaning is `level transitions per second'; this
- coincides with bps only for two-level modulation with no framing or
- stop bits. Most hackers are aware of these nuances but blithely
- ignore them.
- So, I guess the answer to Roy's question is: Yes.
- Hope this helps.
- 73... Mark AA7TA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 06:42:26 GMT
- From: news.kpc.com!amd!netcomsv!netcom.com!dbledsoe@decwrl.dec.com
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Doug Faunt N6TQS 510-655-8604 (faunt@netcom3.Netcom.COM) wrote:
- : I asked George Wilson, W4OYI, the president of ARRL about this at a
- : small forum with him at Pacificon, with Chris Imlay, the ARRL General
- : Counsel present, about this, this weekend.
- : He said that the only reason the ad is not currently in QST is that
- : LARC has not resubmitted the ad since the Board explicitly stated the
- : policy that would result in the ad being accepted and printed.
- : Apparently the complaint is still active in CT. If the ARRL has made
- : this movement towards conciliation, why hasn't LARC responded, by
- : placing the ad, and dropping the complaint?
- : curious,
- : 73, doug
- Doug,
- The problem here is that the complaint is about discrimination, not ad
- placement. The ARRL refuses to address the issue in the complaint and to
- engage in any dialogue that will lead toward resolution, instead sticking
- to "the ad is acceptable" line of reasoning. Here's why, as nearly as I
- can understand ... by saying that LARC's ad is acceptable, they believe
- that LARC's complaint is no longer valid and that it is moot. Our counsel
- has been informed by the state investigator that the complaint is not
- moot. LARC believes that to go ahead and run the advertising without
- resolution of the underlying issue will undermine its own complaint. So,
- until the ARRL will discuss the real issue of discrimination, the issue of
- advertising cannot be resolved. LARC is ready and willing to discuss it
- and to seek an amicable resolution. And yes, the complaint is still
- active in CT.
- Thank you for your comments. 73 ... Don, WB6LYI
- --
- Don Bledsoe, WB6LYI dbledsoe@netcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 23:38:28 GMT
- From: spool.mu.edu!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!perry@decwrl.dec.com
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Donnelly R. Bledsoe (dbledsoe@netcom.com) wrote:
- : Doug,
- : The problem here is that the complaint is about discrimination, not ad
- : placement. The ARRL refuses to address the issue in the complaint and to
- : engage in any dialogue that will lead toward resolution, instead sticking
- : to "the ad is acceptable" line of reasoning.
- As I understand the 1st amendment, the ARRL can print whatever they
- want. Do the civil rights of LARC exceed those of the ARRL?
- : LARC believes that to go ahead and run the advertising without
- : resolution of the underlying issue will undermine its own complaint. So,
- : until the ARRL will discuss the real issue of discrimination, the issue of
- : advertising cannot be resolved.
- What discrimination? The ARRL refused to print my article. Do I get to
- sue them too?
- Perry Scott
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 1993 08:48:42 GMT
- From: dog.ee.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!wupost!crcnis1.unl.edu!unlinfo.unl.edu!mcduffie@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: New in Fairbanks, needs help...thanks..
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- jfh@netcom.com (Jack Hamilton) writes:
- >This is almost a complete change of subject, but I read recently in
- >WorldRadio that car registration if free in Alaska for cars equipped with
- >HF gear. How popular are HF, VFH, and UFH in Alaska?
- Hey, Jack! Thanks for the idea... I'll use VFH and UFH in my pricing
- of tower jobs. Let's see, a Very Effing High tower project is 2 bucks
- a foot per hour. How much is a UFH tower worth?
- :) :) :)
- 73 and grin!
- Gary
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 93 20:33:54 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- Subject: TH-78A battery life
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- [gosset@] writes:
- > I recently bought a Kenwood TH-78A, which so far has performed well. I
- >have not detected intermod here in the small city of Cuernavaca or in
- >Mexico city. Overall is a fine dual-bander HT.
- I like mine too.
- > However, I am somewhat disapointed with battery life. Under normal
- >use it lasts less time than similar-rated batteries on other HTs. The
- >user manual says that the battery needs several charge-discharge cycles
- >before it can function to full capacity. The batteries have already been
- >charged 10-15 times. Does someone has a similar problem with this
- >handheld?
- I have outstanding battery cycle performance. Are you using the battery
- saver functions? Also, are you talking more than listening? Transmission,
- of course, uses a lot more power than receive. I run a full day with the
- low power battery with no problems, but I don't rag chew for hours at a
- time either. :-)
- > Also, I would like to know if it is possible to power this unit with DC
- >even when it has its batteries connected.
- Certainly. If you are using the "low power" battery, just plug the DC into
- the top of the radio. If your DC source can stand the current, you will get
- a 5 watt output. If you are using the "high power" battery, you need to
- plug the external DC into the socket on the back of the BATTERY. Kenwood
- did a good job of designing the battery contacts to avoid
- connection/overvoltage mix-ups, but you need to know where to plug the DC
- in. :-) I was originally told by a retailer the high power battery had to
- be charged with the drop-in charger. Not true, the wall charger will work
- if you plug it into the back. The droop in charger is faster though, and
- real nice. Works with both AC and DC inputs.
- 73
- _______________________________________________________________________
- Wm. A. Kirsanoff Internet: WAKIRSAN@ananov.remnet.ab.com
- Rockwell International Ham: KD6MCI
- (714) 762-2872
- Alternate Internet: william_a._kirsanoff@ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Who are you? * I am number 2. * Who is number 1? * You are number 6.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 93 19:24:23 GMT
- From: ogicse!emory!news-feed-2.peachnet.edu!concert!lester.appstate.edu!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: vaniry calls
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- All this back and forth really has me confused. As I understand it,
- anyone can now request a call of their choice? When does this go into
- effect? It costs $7/year? Is this open to all class licenses? Just
- wanting some clarification. thanks.
- Shawn
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 93 11:44:13 GMT
- From: cs.utexas.edu!not-for-mail@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Vanity Callsign Rules
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In NEWSLINE #844 the story SPECIAL CALLS says:
- The FCC "...wants input on the subject of issuing personalized vanity
- calls signs...".
- Let me propose the following for discussion:
- 1. There shall be two classes of vanity callsigns: regular
- and short-term.
- 2. The requested regular callsign must be part of the
- callsign pool for your license grade.
- 3. The number in the regular callsign must indicate the
- call area of your mailing address.
- 4. The callsign must have never been assigned or must have
- been unassigned for two years. [See also rule 8 below].
- 5. The vanity fee shall be accessed upon issuance and upon
- every renewal of the license.
- 6. Regular vanity callsigns shall be renewable every 10 years.
- 7. If the fee is not paid upon renewal a callsign will be
- assigned from the next available sequential callsign from the
- appropriate pool. Regular vanity callsigns will have a one year
- grace period upon expiration.
- 8. Previously held callsigns will become invalid and available
- for reissue immediately upon issuance of the regular
- vanity callsign. [The one year grace period in rule 7 is waived].
- 9. A special, short-term vanity callsigns shall be available
- for a term of two months.
- 10. Short-term callsigns cannot be renewed.
- 11. Short-term callsigns shall have a special two letter
- prefix, such as NX, and a two or three letter suffix.
- 12. The issuance of a short-term callsign shall not
- invalidate the requester's regular callsign.
- 13. Short-term callsigns will not be issued as regular callsigns.
- 14. Short-term callsigns shall become available for re-issued
- immediately when they expire.
- Kris AA5UO
- mraz@aud.alcatel.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 93 20:28:05 GMT
- From: ogicse!cs.uoregon.edu!news.uoregon.edu!fp2-st-affairs-18.uoregon.edu!user@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: ZA1QA - Anyone Get a QSL??
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <1993Oct26.163738.20082@worldbank.org>, dearnshaw@worldbank.org
- (Darrell Earnshaw) wrote:
- >
- > Did anyone ever get a QSL from the Globex operation in Albania (ZA1QA, I think
- > was the call)? I worked these folks on 80 meters, and would love to get ZA
- > knocked off my wanted list. I've sent two requests to Globex (plus a number of
- > $1 bills), but no response. Anybody got any ideas??
- >
- > -- 73 Darrell NR3Y
- >
- Come to think of it... I never received my card either. It's been quite
- awhile ago, too.
- There was a picture of the card in QST, if I'm not mistaken, about a year
- ago but I've never seen the genuine article.
- Steve/AA7FL
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 93 19:57:05 GMT
- From: orca.es.com!olin!alan@uunet.uu.net
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <2507@arrl.org>, <DRT.93Oct26092851@al-burro.mit.edu>, <1993Oct26.161942.19759@worldbank.org>
- Subject : Re: 'Vanity' Call Signs
- In article <1993Oct26.161942.19759@worldbank.org> dearnshaw@worldbank.org (Darrell Earnshaw) writes:
- >As the FCC is bound by ITU rules, one assumes that vanity calls must also
- >conform to the ITU allocation rules (ie: K, N, W for USA), so the IH8DX example
- >wouldn't be applicable. However, it does raise an interesting dilemma as to how
- >my logging program is going to deal with all this chaos!
- >
- >(Pity really, I though the U.S. was one of the last sane places left where
- >prefixes didn't change with the weather conditions!)
- >
- Don't panic, Darrell...I seriously doubt that the FCC will allow
- anything outside of the current formats (1x2, 1x3, 2x1, 2x2, 2x3).
- I am confident that all such calls must begin with a K, W, N or
- AA-AL, since those prefixes are allocated to the U.S. It would be
- interesting to see the text of the proposal to see if there are
- any details about this. Obviously, IH8DX would have to be an
- Italian station, since they have been assigned the I block of
- prefixes. Of course, if you are from Georgia, and live in American
- Samoa, you could have AH8DX for a callsign, but then you would be
- DX. .... ..
- --
- Alan Brubaker, K6XO |~~|_ "Pumps have handles, Hams have names;
- <IYF disclaimer> | * |mine's Lee, what's yours?" - Lee Wical,
- Internet: alan@dsd.es.com|____|KH6BZF, the Bloomin' Zipper Flipper.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 93 21:13:32 GMT
- From: ogicse!emory!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!ee.und.ac.za!hippo.ru.ac.za!ccfj@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <9310240940.utk1412@FAB8.intel.com>, <pschleck.751482672@cwis>, <751509044snz@nowster.demon.co.uk>.ac.za
- Subject : Re: Internet address of VOA, BBC ???
- In <751509044snz@nowster.demon.co.uk> pm@nowster.demon.co.uk (Paul Martin) writes:
- >>In <9310240940.utk1412@FAB8.intel.com> RHAREL@FAB8.INTel.COM (RICHARD HAREL)
- >> writes:
- >>
- >>>Anyone know if the VOA or BBC or other major government braodcasting
- >>>agencies are on the internet ?
- >The BBC department unearthed here is concerned with Engineering and R&D.
- >They are nothing to do with programme making.
- >Please don't bug them.
- But are they the people who I can moan to when their relay station in
- Lesotho goes on the blink? Like right now (20:21 UTC on Tuesday 26th
- Oct 1993) their transmitter on 3255 khz is off the air. Normally, in
- this part of the world, it's booming in loud and clear. The
- alternative on 6190 khz switches over to Portuguese at 20:30 UTC which
- isn't going to help me very much in listening to "News Hour" at 21:00
- UTC. Looks like I'll have to settle for 6005 khz, which has a pathetic
- signal at this time of night. Somebody pissed and tripped over a power
- switch in Maseru?
- Now imagine if I could send them a short message pointing out this fact
- how much embarrasment it could save them all over the sub-continent.
- They could then even apologise over the air to us long suffering
- listeners and show how wide awake they are. Or something...
- And if they're in R&D they might care to do a few calculations as to
- how much postage their organisation could save by putting their
- transmission schedules up hot from the press for anonymous FTP. Or
- running a gopher system containing other information such as programme
- schedules? Or setting up some method of receiving reception reports
- from monitors by email? Given enough motivation, it's possible to
- capture a bit of audio onto disk, uuencode it and email them the damn
- thing within a few minutes. I mean the possibilities are mind
- boggling... and it's fascinating that organisations whose raison d'etre
- is communication, such as broadcasting services or radio stations, seem
- to have the blinkers on and are actively ignoring something that could
- help them cut down on costs. There are zillions of guys all over the
- world with access to email, not to mention FTP etc that also listen to
- the radio, believe it or not. Some of them even do it all
- simultaneously.
- --
- F.F. Jacot Guillarmod PO Box 94 \ | ccfj@hippo.ru.ac.za
- Computing Centre Grahamstown 6140 \ / Fax: +27 461 25049
- Rhodes University South Africa ;___*/ Phone: +27 461 318284
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1270
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